Collegiate recovery communities provide support and help student members complete their education while staying sober in college.
Acollegiate recovery community, also known as a collegiate recovery program, is a school supported community of students in recovery. The purpose of a CRC is to provide support and help student members complete their education while stayingsober in college. Thefirst year in collegecan be especially difficult for a person in recovery who is suddenly confronted with thecollege-cultureof substance use.Brett Watson, UCF CRC Founding Member, explains that “navigating a college campus while you’re new in recovery can be a very daunting task.” Whether a recent graduate of ateen substance abuse treatment programor an adult student returning to school in recovery, the challenges of being a student in recovery are unique. These programs provide an added level of support to promote success.
What are Collegiate Recovery Communities?
Collegiate recovery communities (CRCs) are sometimes referred to as collegiate recovery programs (CRPs). The two terms are interchangeable. Either can be used to describe a supportive program in higher education institutions for students in recovery. Some essential components ofCRC programs include:
- University staff participation
- Specific space on campus to be used exclusively forCRC services
- An abstinence-based approach to recovery
- Peer support
Brett Watsonsays CRCs are intended “to provide a safe supportive place on campus for students in recovery.” These communities are not only a place forsupportbut also act as a point-of-contact for students seeking outside resources.
Benefits of CRCs
While people inearly recoverymay stand to gain the most from CRCs, all students in recovery can benefit.CRCs providethe opportunity to build relationships while receivingacademic support, leadership workshops, health and wellness activities and other events intended to give students opportunities for sober social interaction.
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How to Find and Join A CRC
Addiction recovery resourcessuch asCRC programsare becoming increasingly common on college campuses. There are currently131 programson campuses across the U.S. that provideCRC student services. Directories of CRC programs are available onlinethrough organizations such as theAssociation of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE).
Every school has different guidelines regarding who may participate in a CRC. In most cases, this includes a desire to abstain from substance use of any kind. However, some schools require further qualifications such as letters of recommendation, evidence of treatment program completion, or participation in specific meetings or projects.
How to Start A CRC
While CRCs are becoming more common, there are still many campuses without these specialized support systems. If you’re interested in learninghow to start a CRC, there are many available resources. There are several steps that can assist in the CRC development process, which can help supportteen recovery.
Advocate for Addiction Awareness
Students in recoverywho organize to raiseaddiction awarenesscan bring the importance ofcollegiate recoverysupport to school officials. Often simply realizing the sheer number of students who would benefit from a CRC can influence a school’s decision to research and support a CRC on campus.
Each existing CRC began in a slightly different way. Whether advocating directly to the university’s president, the student health center, or leadership within specific education departments or student organizations, raising awareness of the benefits of a CRC can go a long way. Providing specific data regarding outcomes such as CRC student graduation rates, GPAs, and other measures of success can convince leadership of the benefits.

Raise Funding
A significant challenge can beCRC funding. School administrators need to recognize the benefits of investing in the education of students in recovery. While grassroots fundraising can help build awareness and initial support, there are organizations likeTransforming Youth Recoverythat offer grant programs to schools looking forCRP funding.

Find Supportive Staff
An essential component of any CRC is finding supportive and effective staff.CRC staffdo not necessarily require any particular licensure or training. Depending on the department that oversees the CRC, the staff guidelines may reflect the values of the individual department.
If theCRC provides counselingservices, a licensed professional will be on staff or the CRC will have a relationship with a reputable off-campus source they can refer individuals looking for counseling too.

Locate Preexisting Support Groups
When starting a CRC, it may be helpful to connect with existing support groups and resources on and near campus. These othercollege support groupsmay help you find other students who would be interested in participating in a CRC.
The type of group may vary significantly but some of the most common are 12-step fellowships, especially those with meetings for young people.AA meetings for teensandNA meetings for teenscan help connect these young people who may soon be entering college with the CRC that can help support them on campus.

College Can Trigger Relapse
The sometimes difficult and even overwhelming experience of being a student in recovery on a college campus can be one of manyrelapsetriggers. Recovery for young people can be difficult due to the high number of triggers they may encounter in their day-to-day lives. As is often discussed inteen drug rehab,youth culture can glamorize substance use. This is no different on college campuses, where binge drinking and other forms ofsubstance useare considered the norm or can even be celebrated, in some cases. Without a support system, including those provided by a CRC, it may be difficult for students to navigate these pressures.
Learning commonsigns of relapsecan assist in recognizing a problem before it results inreturn to use.Early warning signs of relapse, which may occur before a person even begins to consciously think about returning to use, include:
- Isolating oneself
- Bottling up emotions
- Poor self-care
- Avoidance of participation in recovery activities
- Focusing on other people or having a self-centered focus of interpersonal relationships
At this point, it is imperative that a person in recovery seeks support to preventrelapse. Support can mean attendingaftercaresessions, going to recovery support meetings and sharing, or reaching out to other trusted individuals, such as those met in a CRC.
If you or a loved one is a young person seeking recovery or recovery support, there is help available.The Recovery Villageprovidestreatmentandaftercareservices for substance use andco-occurring disorders. To learn more,reach outto a representative today.