Help your teen overcome drug or alcohol abuse by understanding how teen rehab works and knowing which options are available. What Is Substance Use Disorder? The term “substance use disorder”...

High school is where many teenagers encounter drugs and alcohol for the first time. Read about the latest facts and statistics on adolescent substance use here. Teenagers might enter high...

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair cognitive and psychomotor abilities and result in legal action or even death. Vehicular accidents are one of the leading causes...

Many teens engage in risky substance abuse, which can create a number of unwanted physical and mental effects, so parents should recognize the problem and take action. Remain Calm Substance...

While teen drug use has declined, some teens today continue to experiment with substances like marijuana, cocaine, painkillers, amphetamines, inhalants and other drugs. According to statistics, teen drug use rates are...

Learn about prescription drug abuse in teenagers, including commonly abused drugs, how teens acquire drugs and the symptoms of prescription drug abuse. Article at a Glance: Prescription drug abuse is...

As a parent, you may be familiar with some illegal drugs or even tried them yourself. Nowadays, there are several emerging teen drugs that parents need to know about --...

Studies continually show that teens are less likely to abuse substances if their families have open, honest discussions about the matter. Whether you simply wish to prevent future substance abuse...

Mixing alcohol with drugs is dangerous. Learn about the dangers of combining alcohol with drugs and how you can help someone who is engaged in this risky behavior. Using alcohol...