What Is Strattera?

Strattera is a medication given to patients to treat their attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. Starting Strattera treatment may help ADHD patients pay attention, concentrate, stay focused and stop fidgeting.

Along with being part of a total treatment plan, Strattera is effective because of its ability to balance the brain’s neurotransmitters.

Strattera Addiction Treatment And Rehab

Starting Strattera treatment has the potential to produce some side effects. Common side effects of using Strattera include upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, constipation, tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, a rise in blood pressure, trouble sleeping and decreased sexual ability or desire. Some female patients have also experienced menstrual cramps or irregular periods after using Strattera. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of these Strattera side effects persist or worsen.

More serious side effects of Strattera treatment include difficulty urinating, unusual or irregular heartbeat, fainting, numbness and tingling. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you experience these serious Strattera side effects.

In rare cases, Strattera treatment can lead to liver disease. Seek medical attention immediately if you begin to experience symptoms of liver damage such as dark urine, persistent nausea, persistent vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach or abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes.

Treatment Options For Strattera Addiction Symptoms

Even if you are taking Strattera responsibly and exactly as your doctor prescribes, you may still develop a dependence on Strattera or even further a Strattera addiction. It is important to seek help as soon as possible if you notice signs of Strattera addiction in yourself or someone you love. Signs that point to Strattera addiction are becoming obsessed with finding and taking Strattera as well as losing interest in the hobbies and activities you once enjoyed.

Strattera Medical Detox

If you are interested in discontinuing your Strattera treatment, set up a meeting with your doctor before adjusting your Strattera dose or treatment schedule. You should never stop taking Strattera cold turkey, as this can produce enhanced withdrawal symptoms. After meeting with your doctor to discuss stopping your Strattera treatment, they will typically lower your Strattera dose gradually over time to give your body enough time to adjust to less and less of the medication.

Strattera Rehabilitation Programs

The Recovery Village offers a variety of resources and treatment programs for those interested in recovering from Strattera addiction or another substance use disorder. The first step of treatment, regardless of which program the patient is in, is to safely detox from Strattera. Once Strattera is removed from the body, patients can participate in individual and group counseling as well as recreational therapy activities while at The Recovery Village.

Inpatient Strattera Rehab

Inpatient Strattera rehab is a treatment program which allows patients to live on campus at one of The Recovery Village’s designated inpatient centers while they safely recover from Strattera addiction. This type of treatment program is very beneficial for patients experiencing severe Strattera addiction or those who would find recovering from their Strattera addiction difficult due to distractions from the outside world. While in the inpatient Strattera rehab, patients will learn how to cope with their unique Strattera addiction challenges from trained medical professionals.

Outpatient Strattera Rehab

After completing inpatient Strattera rehab, patients will begin outpatient Strattera rehab. In the outpatient program, patients will live at home while they come to The Recovery Village for scheduled treatment appointments. Some patients with less severe Strattera addiction may begin their treatment with the outpatient option and skip inpatient Strattera rehab entirely.

Choosing A Strattera Rehab Center

Finding the right Strattera rehabilitation center to fit your particular needs is an important step in your journey to recovery. Set up a meeting with your doctor to discuss what type of center would best suit you. You may want to consider how long you have been taking Strattera and your Strattera dosage levels when choosing a rehab center.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.