Videos Resources for Addiction, Recovery and Mental Health

To provide a full spectrum of resources for those living with addiction or mental health conditions and their loved ones, The Recovery Village created several video series about addiction, co-occurring disorders and recovery.

Building Your Moral Compass

Your moral compass can provide you with strength in challenging situations. This involves identifying your core values and being honest with yourself.

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Using CBT to Reduce Worry

While worrying is normal, healthy living requires being able to let go of needless worries. This guide explores specific strategies, such as examining the costs versus benefits of worrying.

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Stress Reduction Tips & Strategies

Identifying stress triggers and signals can help you proactively start using your personalized coping mechanisms. Some examples are highlighted in this guide.

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How to Live a More Balanced Life

Balance helps us reduce stress and build resilience. Balancing your nutrition, exercise, sleep, social connections and restful activities can help reduce your relapse risk.

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How to Identify & Cope with Stressors

It’s not possible to entirely avoid stress in daily life. What is possible is to learn to identify it and work through it with healthy coping strategies to prevent relapse.

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