Recovery is an ongoing process and it can be easy to lose sight of what you’ve gained. However, when you take time to reflect, there’s so much to be thankful...

My life is a testament to the power of habits — both bad and good. Today I’m in recovery because of bad habits that turned into addictions over time. My...

Learn about what causes bad habits during addiction recovery and how to stop unhealthy habits from developing. During addiction recovery, people are at a higher risk of developing unhealthy habits....

Cycling as meditation? You ask. What? Are you crazy?! Well, I am a little bonkers—in a good way!—but cycling really does have meditative powers for me. I am most at peace on my bike—I...

I have lost count of the amount of times I have stepped on the scale hoping for a miracle; I used to equate my self-worth to that figure. The cycle—gain...

Incorporate these things into your daily practice and you’ll be on your way to avoiding relapse and living a successful life in sobriety. Getting through addiction treatment may be one of...