Could you be one of the 5 percent of people that have a work addiction? Take this work addiction quiz to determine the likelihood that you have a work addiction.
Been more excited about your work than spending time with family and friends or participating in other activities you once enjoyed?
Taken work home with you or on vacations?
Worked more than 40 hours a week and not received compensation for the extra hours?
Taken on extra work because you were afraid it wouldn’t be completed otherwise?
Thought it was OK to work extra hours because you love your job?
Become impatient with coworkers or other people in your life who have other priorities outside of work?
Felt that if you didn’t work all the time you’d lose your job or be a failure?
Gotten irritated when people asked you to stop working to do something else?
Worked while driving or during conversations?
Worked during meals?
Had dreams while sleeping about work?
Had someone tell you that you needed to reduce the number of hours you work?
Time’s up