If you believe you may be struggling with an OxyContin addiction, this self-assessment quiz can help you discover what steps to take next in order to find recovery.
Used OxyContin in large doses or for longer than intended?
Experienced cravings so strong that you couldn’t think of anything except OxyContin?
Had problems fulfilling responsibilities at home, school or work?
Felt guilt or remorse about your OxyContin use?
Continued using OxyContin despite problems with loved ones?
Had family or friends express concern about your OxyContin use?
Found it difficult to stop using OxyContin?
Attempted to buy OxyContin from street dealers after your prescription ran dry?
Dealt with headaches, constipation or confusion after using OxyContin?
Experienced withdrawal symptoms associated with OxyContin, such as muscle aches, blurry vision or rapid heartbeat?
Stopped communicating with friends because of OxyContin use?
Engaged in dangerous or reckless behaviors after taking OxyContin?
Time’s up