An Oxycodone Treatment & Rehab center can help you become free of your addiction to painkillers and live a sober life. Let The Recovery Village help you recover

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates that around 20 percent of the American adult population has misused a prescription medication at least once. Among the most commonly misused substances, prescription opiates make up about 75 percent of these narcotics. Similar to cancer or diabetes, oxycodone addiction is a medical condition that requires medical treatment. Many people don’t understand that a person who is struggling with addiction doesn’t actively choose to become someone dealing with a substance use disorder and trying to quit is more than an act of willpower. The Recovery Village understands this challenge. Our facilities are staffed with medical and clinical professionals who have spent years working in the field. Many of them have even been through addiction treatment themselves.

Oxycodone Drug Names & Uses

Oxycodone is a semisynthetic opioid and the active ingredient in OxyContin. In clinical settings, oxycodone is used to relieve ongoing moderate to severe pain. The extended-release form of oxycodone is widely used for pain caused by chronic and terminal illnesses. Oxycodone is the most widely used recreational opioid in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 11 million people in the U.S. consume oxycodone for non-medical purposes annually.

This prescription painkiller reduces pain transmission and produces euphoric feelings by altering the levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that acts as one of the messengers between the brain and body, eliciting feelings of well-being. Respiration, blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature start to slow down as opioid receptors along the central nervous system are activated.

Oxycodone Treatment & Therapy Program Options

Oxycodone rehab is a proven method of treatment for substance use disorder. Treatment involves a combination of psychiatric counseling, medical oversight, medication management, nutritional counseling, and alternative therapies.

In therapy, clients will explore how their substance use disorder began, what they were using oxycodone to cope with and what triggers their cravings. Clients will receive medical care to make sure they detox properly and are benefitting from other medications in moderation. Nutritional counseling and alternative therapies complete the experience, teaching clients the importance of self-care and stress management. All of these methods are essential in teaching clients how to live a sober, healthy life without the influence of oxycodone. In many cases, addiction treatment saves lives.

Quality oxycodone rehab facilities employ experienced doctors, clinicians and nurses who are well-educated in the field. The facility should offer a clean, relaxing environment to help clients focus on their recovery. Our treatment team is dedicated to each client’s long-term recovery. Treatment plans are tailored to each client and usually follow four basic steps:

  1. Evaluation
  2. Detoxification
  3. Treatment
  4. Aftercare planning

During evaluation, our team will meet the individual to run tests and ask questions about their medical history. The purpose of the evaluation phase is to fully understand the individual, their relationship with oxycodone and any other conditions they may be facing. It’s important the facility knows all the details of an individual’s oxycodone use disorder, including which medication they were abusing, the frequency, the dosage and what drugs they may have mixed oxycodone with. The Recovery Village will also ask specific questions in an attempt to diagnose any co-occurring disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

After they complete the evaluation and create a treatment plan suited to the individual’s needs, detoxification can begin. Most clients detox at The Recovery Village, but some may come to our campus who have already gotten oxycodone out of their system.

Treatment plans will consist of individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, and alternative therapies, among other elements. Both inpatient and outpatient rehabs include these treatment features. Treatment times can vary based on each client’s individual needs. The minimum length of treatment at The Recovery Village is 28 days, but we typically recommend clients stay longer. Research shows clients are less likely to have setbacks the longer they stay in treatment.

Aftercare planning is essential in preventing setbacks in recovery. Before a client’s treatment is complete, our team will arrange doctor’s appointments, therapy appointments and membership in a 12-step program for them at home so they can continue the work they started at The Recovery Village.

Inpatient Rehab for Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

Inpatient rehab is one of the most beneficial forms of treatment for oxycodone use disorder. During inpatient rehab, clients move into The Recovery Village, leaving the stressors and triggers of oxycodone addiction behind. Living in a sober environment is extremely beneficial for newly-sober clients who may still be facing cravings for oxycodone. Living at The Recovery Village also allows clients to build relationships with others in recovery who are going through a similar experience. This sense of community and camaraderie has proven invaluable for many clients in their recovery journey. Such an environment also allows for 24/7 supervision, in case of a health emergency.

During oxycodone treatment, inpatients will work one-on-one with their primary counselor, as well as with a group of other clients in group therapy and alternative therapies. In addition, residential clients also benefit from the many amenities The Recovery Village has to offer, including:

  • Constant access to The Recovery Village staff
  • Medication management
  • Linen service
  • Private bathrooms
  • Dietary counseling
  • Nutritious meals
  • Fitness center
  • Alternative therapies, such as yoga

Inpatient treatment offers a particular element of convenience for out-of-state clients who have chosen to travel to The Recovery Village from across the country. An all-inclusive room and board package removes several stressors from the recovery process, especially when the client is not familiar with the area. Many local inpatients enjoy residential treatment because it offers a level of confidentiality they may not have access to if participating in outpatient rehab. Inpatient and outpatient rehab are very similar, but outpatient rehab does not involve a residential component.

Outpatient Rehab for Oxycodone Treatment

Outpatient rehab involves all the same components of inpatient rehab, except room and board at The Recovery Village. Instead of staying on campus, outpatients return to their home, sober living or a “halfway house” at night. Outpatient rehab is an excellent way for former inpatients to continue their treatment in a less controlled environment. This helps them ease back into everyday responsibilities, rather than jumping in all at once. As clients go back to work, school or take care of family duties, they will maintain their oxycodone treatment at The Recovery Village. For some outpatients, this can occur during the week. For other outpatients, treatment only occurs on the weekends.

Group Therapy Rehabilitation

The two main types of therapy a client will participate during rehab at The Recovery Village are individual and group counseling. Throughout individual counseling, a patient will work one-on-one with their therapist to discuss their oxycodone use disorder. Much of this time will be spent focusing on the client’s unique experiences and triggers.

In group therapy, clients meet with one or two counselors and several of their peers at the same time to discuss broader topics related to addiction. While individual counseling may happen only a few times a week for certain patients, group therapy occurs every day. During these group sessions, clients will broach common addiction-related topics, including:

  • Sexuality
  • Trauma
  • Family
  • Healthy relationships
  • Stigma
  • Coping mechanisms
  • Stress management
  • Anger management
  • Nutrition
  • Grief
  • Body image
  • Dual diagnosis
  • Communication skills
  • Setback prevention

Group therapy is an especially important part of oxycodone addiction treatment because it teaches clients the value of communication. For many recovering from addiction, sharing their story is a key part of maintaining their recovery. At first, many people are hesitant to speak openly about their addiction because of the backlash they may have previously received from friends, family or even strangers. This stigma surrounding addiction has caused a lack of self-esteem in many clients. Opening up during group therapy demonstrates to clients that they are not alone, they are not bad people, and there is healing power in communicating with others about their disease.

Other helpful aspects of group therapy include alcohol and drug education, where clients learn about the science behind addiction to better understand it. In many cases, The Recovery Village extends this education to family members of patients, so they may also understand addiction and what their loved one is going through. This knowledge often makes both parties more empathetic and fosters healing in damaged relationships.

Alternative therapies also offer many benefits to our clients. Often held outdoors, activities such as yoga, art therapy, and journaling can grow a client’s sense of self-worth, pride, and accomplishment while diminishing stress levels. Partaking in this kind of self-care outside of a counselor’s office has proven beneficial for many of our clients and leads to vast amounts of growth in treatment overall. As new research on alternative therapies emerges, The Recovery Village is committed to growing the number of alternative therapies we offer to accommodate all our patients’ skill levels and interests.

Paired Dual Diagnosis and Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

A significant part of oxycodone addiction treatment is understanding what triggers the urge to use the drug. For some, it might be a certain place or person, or even an emotion. For many,  a second mental disorder triggers cravings for oxycodone. It’s not uncommon for individuals that have substance use disorders to have a dual diagnosis, also referred to as a co-occurring disorder.

Some of the most common co-occurring disorders include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Eating disorders

Depression may be the most common of all these conditions because oxycodone addiction targets dopamine, the feel-good chemical in the brain, causing a high and then depressive crash. A person’s oxycodone addiction and their dual diagnosis are intertwined, with one contributing to or driving the other. In order to truly treat the addiction fully, our staff must also help the client  address their dual diagnosis. This treatment focus is essential in order to attain oxycodone addiction recovery.

Medications Used for Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

During detoxification from oxycodone, some centers may use medication-assisted detox, which can include taper medications like methadone. Once the physician has ascertained an initial starting dose where the recovering individual does not experience significant withdrawal symptoms, the physician will slowly taper down the dose of the medication at intervals to help the individual wean off of oxycodone. Medications are used during oxycodone addiction treatment on a case-by-case basis and depend on the client’s medical need and the individual facility policies at the oxycodone rehab center.

Other medications may be used as needed throughout the oxycodone treatment duration to address specific symptoms or co-occurring disorders.

Oxycodone Treatment & Rehab Center

Substance use disorder can be difficult to overcome, but recovery is possible. With the right oxycodone treatment at an accredited facility, you can pursue long-term recovery. With locations throughout the country, The Recovery Village offers comprehensive care in a variety of serene environments.

More importantly, our staff is fully credentialed and experienced in oxycodone treatment programs. Our doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, nurses, and mental health counselors are devoted to helping you through treatment at our oxycodone rehab center so you can embrace long-term recovery.

Whatever you choose, you will most likely go through detox initially. Treatment plans will consist of individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, and alternative therapies, among other elements. During rehab, our professionals work to determine an aftercare plan for continuing treatment. You may find addiction support groups at your local hospital, place of worship or community center. Our staff can develop an aftercare treatment plan that suits your individual needs so your recovery process can last a lifetime.

Duration of Oxycodone Treatment & Rehab

Following detox, the patient is ready to transition into an oxycodone treatment program. The treatment process can take months or years, depending on the particular person, their substance misuse history and other factors. While the minimum oxycodone treatment duration at The Recovery Village is 28 days, research demonstrates that the longer a client stays in oxycodone rehab, the less likely they are to have setbacks.

Paying for Oxycodone Addiction Rehabilitation

Oxycodone rehab, like most any other medical treatment, carries an expense clients have to consider when enrolling. As every client’s treatment plan at The Recovery Village is different, it’s difficult to provide a generalized price quote. Factors that impact the cost of rehab include how long the client is staying in treatment, whether they are enrolling as inpatient or outpatient and if they require detox or have already gone through detoxification. Most clients at The Recovery Village use their insurance plan to cover some or all of their treatment, but we also offer private pay options so everyone can have access to our quality substance use disorder treatments.

Does Insurance Pay for Oxycodone Treatment & Rehab?

Many insurance providers do cover oxycodone treatment programs in part or in full. Public insurance plans like Medicare and Medicaid also cover substance use disorder treatment. The level of coverage varies from plan to plan, especially if a person is using a private insurance plan through their employer.

The best way to determine how much your insurance will cover for our oxycodone rehab center is to call a customer service representative or your benefits administrator at your employer. Our intake coordinators at The Recovery Village can also do this for you — we are experienced in working with insurance providers and know the right questions to ask. You can also use our insurance estimation tool to find out how much coverage you’ll receive.

Alternative Oxycodone Rehab Payment Options

If you discover that your insurance does not cover all of the oxycodone treatment or if you don’t want to use insurance to pay for treatment, The Recovery Village accepts private pay. It’s not uncommon for clients to take out a loan for the same purpose. Some employers also offer employee assistance programs for individuals who need treatment or other medical funding. It’s also possible to secure scholarships or grants through different clubs or groups, such as the Veterans Administration.

Regardless of where the payment comes from, our goal at The Recovery Village is to make quality care accessible to everyone. If you’re unsure how to pay for oxycodone rehab, don’t hesitate to call our intake coordinators for a free, confidential conversation to go over your options.

If you or a loved one live with addiction or are using drugs recreationally and want to stop, The Recovery Village® can help. Reach out to one of our representatives today to learn how you can start on your path to recovery.

Nicole LaNeve
Editor – Nicole LaNeve
Nicole leads a team of passionate, experienced writers, editors and other contributors to create and share accurate, trustworthy information about drug and alcohol addiction, treatment and recovery for The Recovery Village and all Advanced Recovery Systems sites. Read more
Kevin Wandler
Medically Reviewed By – Dr. Kevin Wandler, MD
Kevin Wandler holds multiple positions at Advanced Recovery Systems. In addition to being the founding and chief medical director at Advanced Recovery Systems, he is also the medical director at The Recovery Village Ridgefield and at The Recovery Village Palmer Lake. Read more
Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.