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Dover, NH Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers

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The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper

The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper

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Last Updated: 09/16/2024

Drug, Alcohol, Detox and Treatment Resources

Dover, New Hampshire has a lot going for it. Its location on the Piscataqua River only a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean means that residents and visitors have plenty of opportunity for water recreation and fishing. The town boasts thriving urban, suburban and rural areas. Dover’s town center offers numerous civic amenities, including pools, clubs and sports teams. The town’s museums and libraries are well-stocked, while the dining opportunities are abundant.

Dover has its share of problems, too, behind the quaint New England exterior. Many residents of the area are finding themselves struggling with abuse ofalcohol, drugs or both. An over-reliance on providing narcotic prescriptions for anxiety and pain relief has caused many people to begin misusing these substances, often mixing pills in dangerous ways without realizing their error. It doesn’t take long for an opioid to take a physical hold on some people, who then have issues with use disorders through no intent or desire on their part to become people with substance misuse issues.

If you or someone you love has found themselves in a situation where they have increased their dosages beyond recommendations, they may be developing a substance misuse problem. If you or someone you love has turned to street drugs because you can’t get opioids legally (or they no longer work for you), you may have a substance use issue. You may feel all sorts of emotions when you realize there’s a problem. This is completely normal. But shame, guilt, despair, hopelessness and anger can’t change your situation or help you recover. You need professional, compassionate help to fight your substance use disorder. You aren’t a bad person, just a very human one.

Finding Help & Recovery in Dover, NH

Drug rehab centers in Dover vary from facility to facility. Depending on the complexities of your substance misuse problems and your resources, you’ll be guided into the program that fits best with your responsibilities and coverage.

Dover Drug & Alcohol Detox Centers

Detoxification (detox) is usually the first step in the process of recovering from substance use disorder. To be ready for a rehab program, you must be physically stable. This means all the substances you misuse must be released from the body through withdrawal. When you stop using alcohol and drugs, they begin to flush out of your system with your normal bodily processes. However, long-term addiction to alcohol or drugs can make withdrawal very uncomfortable and even life-threatening when a person tries to manage this step alone. Dover drug detox centers are far safer, since you’re medically monitored. Some people receive detox help in the form of therapy and medication to relieve symptoms and anxiety.

Treat your substance use disorder like the health issue that it is. The misuse of medications andalcoholcan increase your health risks in many ways. Even if you’ve gone to a Dover drug rehab several times before, it’s okay to try again. A number of treatment options exist, throughout Dover, New Hampshire and other areas of the country.

Your Insurance May Cover Rehab

Most insurance companies will cover the cost of professional addiction treatment. Depending on your plan, treatment could be free. Use our confidential tool to see if we are in-network with your provider and receive a detailed breakdown of your benefits – free of charge!

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Find Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Resources in New Hampshire
