How Is Gabapentin Used in Treatment?

Gabapentin is a prescription medication, also sold under the trade name Neurontin. Gabapentin is used primarily for the treatment of partial seizures related to epilepsy. It’s also prescribed to treat nerve pain related to shingles or diabetes. Gabapentin slows nerve impulses and electrical activity in the brain leading to seizures. It acts as a GABA analog and has a calming effect on brain activity. As a result, side effects of gabapentin can include common symptoms like dizziness and drowsiness. One of the more severe risks associated with using gabapentin is the potential for depression or suicidal thoughts or tendencies to develop. If someone starts to experience changes in their mood or thoughts when using gabapentin, they should talk to their doctor right away.

Along with the primary uses of gabapentin, it’s also being increasingly used in addiction treatment. There are various medications, such as gabapentin, used in addiction treatment in order to help people have a safer, more comfortable detox experience. The use of medicines like gabapentin in addiction treatment can also lower the occurrence of relapse. Gabapentin is frequently utilized to treat alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol withdrawal can have severe and even deadly side effects, such as seizures. The use of gabapentin is used to reduce some of the risks associated with detoxing from alcohol. Gabapentin is also thought to have benefits in terms of treating co-occurring disorders that can accompany addiction, such as anxiety. In some cases, gabapentin may also be used during opioid detox.

Rehabilitation for Gabapentin Abuse

Despite the fact that Gabapentin can be used as part of detox and addiction treatment programs, the drug also has its own risks related to abuse and dependence. Gabapentin isn’t currently a controlled substance in the U.S.; however, it can create a sense of euphoria or pleasant relaxation. As a result, people are increasingly abusing the drug. Some people describe the effects of gabapentin as being similar to those brought on by marijuana.

Signs of gabapentin abuse can be: taking it without a prescription or taking it in ways other than what’s prescribed. Taking gabapentin with other substances like alcohol or narcotics is also considered to be indicative of abuse. If someone is displaying signs of gabapentin abuse, they may need treatment for dependence and addiction. Some people might believe that since gabapentin is used in addiction treatment, it can’t be addictive. This is not the case. Many medicines used in treatment do have a potential for abuse as well, so they have to be used carefully and only with professional monitoring.

Gabapentin Addiction Rehab Program

If someone feels that they may need gabapentin addiction treatment, there are some specific factors to consider. First, gabapentin can lead to physical dependence. If someone is dependent upon gabapentin and suddenly stops using it, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. Gabapentin withdrawal can include dangerous side effects like seizures. These symptoms and side effects need to be closely monitored in a professional detox facility. When choosing a gabapentin addiction rehab program, people should look for one that offers a detox program.

Another consideration for a gabapentin addiction rehab program is the ability to treat multiple, simultaneous addictions. Gabapentin is frequently abused along with other substances. A treatment facility should have the capability to help patients tackle these multiple addictions separately but, ultimately, together. A polysubstance addiction can be more complex to treat. People who abuse or are addicted to gabapentin may also have co-occurring mental health disorders. Gabapentin may have been used as a way to self-medicate those issues, such as anxiety or depression. The treatment facility someone goes to should be equipped to treat multiple addictions, as well as the mental health disorders that a patient could be struggling with.

Gabapentin Rehab Center

One of the most important choices that one has to make when choosing a rehab facility is whether to participate in an outpatient or inpatient rehab. While most rehab centers have similar therapy approaches, an outpatient gabapentin treatment program allows the participant to continue living at home and continuing responsibilities, such as work or school, while also participating in treatment. Outpatient gabapentin addiction treatment can be well-suited to someone who hasn’t been abusing gabapentin for a long time or who doesn’t have other factors that need to be treated, such as mental health disorders.

Inpatient or residential gabapentin treatment requires the patient to live in a facility. They will not continue going to school or work during this time, and their complete focus is on recovery. Inpatient, residential treatment can be more expensive than outpatient care, but they have many benefits. In an inpatient program, the patient receives intensive treatment from start-to-finish without distraction or outside influences. Most inpatient facilities include medical detox and many medical insurance plans will cover the cost of inpatient addiction treatment.

Addiction is a disease, but it can be effectively managed. Contact The Recovery Village to learn more.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.