Fentanyl is a highly addictive synthetic opioid approved for treating severe pain that is 100 times more potent than morphine. Designed to counteract pain from conditions like terminal cancer, fentanyl can be misused when taken incorrectly, in excess or without a prescription. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl is responsible for the vast majority of the recent increases in synthetic opioid overdose deaths. The drug is often mixed with heroin or cocaine without the knowledge of the consumer. Prescription rates for the drug are lower than most painkillers, and yet the overdoses associated with fentanyl have risen dramatically. To prevent a fentanyl overdose, treatment may be the best option.

If you live with addiction, now is the time to consider fentanyl treatment. Though there are many options available for a fentanyl rehab center, you may need assistance in choosing the one that’s best for you. There isn’t a single program or treatment center that works for everyone — each person’s situation is unique and has different recovery needs. For example, some people require medical stabilization upon arrival at rehab, but not all facilities can provide that specific level of care. Before you choose a fentanyl rehab program, thoroughly explore all the options available for treatment and how each particular center may or may not meet your specific needs.

Fentanyl Addiction Treatment Options

When considering how to become substance free, talk to a professional about the treatment method that will best suit your recovery. Each type of treatment has its own advantages to benefit your recovery. At The Recovery Village, representatives are always available to discuss your situation with you and offer insight to help you with treatment.

There are many types of treatment, including outpatient treatment and inpatient rehab. Both programs offer a combination of individualized and group therapy.

Treatment of Fentanyl Symptoms & Side Effects

Treatment for opioid dependence is a commitment. During treatment, someone with a fentanyl dependence may be prescribed a medical maintenance program that includes medication. As part of the patient’s detox program, this medication should always be used under the supervision of a medical professional.

Detox is the process of eliminating a harmful substance from the body while under medical supervision. Opioid withdrawal typically sets in about 6 to 12 hours after the last exposure to the substance. Withdrawal peaks around day three of detox. Early symptoms of a fentanyl withdrawalinclude salivation, anxiety, sweating, irritability, body aches, difficulty breathing and trembling. Symptoms that may occur later in fentanyl withdrawal treatment include abdominal cramping, diarrhea, enlarged pupils, goose bumps, nausea, and vomiting. Medication-assisted treatment programs are sometimes started on the first day of withdrawal so the individual can be slowly weaned off the substance.

Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

Many people struggling with a fentanyl use disorder may also have a mental illness. This occurrence is referred to as co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis. If you have been diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder or mental illness prior to being admitted into rehab, it is important to find a facility that offers a center which can treat both a mental health condition and a substance use disorder at the same time.

Integrated treatment ensures that your medical team will take your mental health into account during your fentanyl addiction treatment and recovery. The Recovery Village specializes in integrated treatment for people with a substance use disorder in addition to one or more mental illnesses, such as anorexiabipolar disorder and more.

One of the most effective methods of co-occurring disorders treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of therapy helps individuals identify negative thought patterns that feed the recurrence of fentanyl use and mental illness. With continual CBT, over time, people can establish healthy thought patterns to replace the negative ones that may have contributed to substance use.

Fentanyl Addiction Relapse Prevention

Because narcotics like fentanyl are so addictive, recovery can be a struggle even after treatment. That’s why it’s so important to think ahead to develop and maintain a relapse prevention plan, or aftercare program.

It is never too early to develop a relapse prevention plan, even at the beginning of your fentanyl withdrawal treatment. Nearly all professionals advise beginning recovery with medical detox. At-home detox is not recommended for most, as it can be very uncomfortable if withdrawal symptoms are severe, which decreases the individual’s chance of completing a detox attempt. The safest option for detox is to have professional oversight at a fentanyl rehab center. In a professional setting, you’ll have the assistance of a team that can make the detox process more comfortable.

As you progress through fentanyl rehab, your treatment professionals may help you develop an aftercare plan for relapse prevention. They can help you find aftercare providers near your home so that you will still have accountability once you leave rehab. During rehab, you can also work with your treatment professionals to develop coping strategies, tactics for managing a sober social life and more.

How to Choose a Fentanyl Treatment Program & Rehabilitation Center

A substance use disorder can be difficult to overcome, but recovery is possible. With the right treatment at an accredited facility, you can pursue long-term recovery. With locations throughout the country, The Recovery Village offers comprehensive care in a variety of serene environments.

More importantly, our staff is fully credentialed and experienced in substance use disorder treatment and medicine. Our doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, nurses, and mental health counselors are devoted to helping you through treatment so you can embrace long-term recovery.

We understand the pain of struggling with addiction. We are here to help you. Reach out today to speak with someone who can help.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.