Miscarriage can result from many problems linked to cocaine use. Cocaine is one of the most common illicit drugs used during pregnancy. Doctors think that up to 10% of pregnant women may use cocaine during...

Our free & confidential 24-hour cocaine hotline for family members, friends, and those with cocaine addiction and abuse. Picking up the phone is the best way to start the process...

Does cocaine cause jitters? How are cocaine jitters, and addiction, treated? Read more about cocaine jitters and when it’s time to get help for cocaine addiction. Cocaine is a naturally occurring...

Cocaine use and addiction can make it harder to conceive a child. To avoid fertility issues, both men and women should also avoid cocaine use. Yes, cocaine use can cause fertility issues...

Cocaine can increase the risk for many heart conditions, including high blood pressure, heart attack and rhythm problems. Many of these conditions can be deadly. Regular cocaine use will impact...

Cocaine is a stimulant drug that speeds up brain activity, which can worsen anxiety. When the effects wear off, people commonly experience anxiety as a part of withdrawal. Anxiety is...

If a person who uses cocaine is prescribed an antibiotic, their body cannot fight the infection as well because of the reduced immune system response. Cocaine lowers the body’s ability...

Many who struggle with depression use cocaine for relief. But for those who use cocaine, depression the next day can become part of a familiar and worrisome pattern. It might...

Learn about the complex relationship between cocaine addiction and dependent personality disorder and find out how one affects the other. Article at a Glance: Cocaine use by those who have...

Although cocaine use does not cause borderline personality disorder, it can make BPD symptoms worse and lead to a variety of other mental health concerns. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) causes a...