Does cocaine cause sexual side effects? Some people use cocaine with sex to enhance the pleasure, but long-term use can cause permanent damage. Men who combine cocaine and sex may...
The effects of cocaine on social skills are often negative, as a person who abuses this drug will actually find socializing less enjoyable. Article at a Glance: People may begin...
Cocaine is a highly addictive drug with the potential to damage the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, leading to consequences like heart attack and pneumonia. People who decide to stop using...
Cocaine eyes have large, dilated pupils and are sometimes bloodshot, but there are many signs and side effects that can indicate someone is using cocaine. “Cocaine eyes have large, dilated...
Cocaine use impacts physical, emotional and behavioral health. Signs, symptoms, and side effects of cocaine, both short- and long-term, can help you identify someone struggling with a cocaine addiction. Cocaine...
Cocaine is an addictive stimulant that works by increasing feelings of pleasure in people who use it. Learn the signs to look out for to identify cocaine use in a...
Cutting cocaine may help drug dealers’ bottom line, but it can be extremely risky for addicted people because they don’t know what is going into their bodies. Learning how to...
How long cocaine stays in your system depends on what is being tested and other biological factors. Knowing these time frames can help with drug tests and withdrawal. As a...
Cocaine has some medical uses, but like any prescription drug, it is prescribed only with the supervision of a trained medical professional due to potential complications like vasoconstriction. Yes, cocaine...
How dangerous is snorting cocaine on the nose and sinuses? Learn what risks snorting cocaine can have on your nose and how the process can result in permanent nasal damage....