Have you spent a significant amount of time obtaining bath salts, using them or recovering from their effects?
Have you been able to get through the week without bath salts?
Have you felt an overwhelming bath salts cravings or the urge to use bath salts?
Did you try and fail to cut down or control you bath salts use?
Has a friend or family member expressed concern about your bath salts use?
Has your bath salts use led to financial issues?
Has your bath salts led to legal issues?
Have you felt guilt or remorse about your bath salts use?
Did you fail to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home because of your bath salts use?
Have you chosen to use bath salts even if their use caused you physical harm?
Have you developed a tolerance to bath salts, meaning that you need to take higher doses over time to feel the desired effects?
Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms when you quit using bath salts?
Time’s up