Addiction is a persistent disease that can cause permanent structural damage to brain activity and function. Approximately 2.6 million people received addiction treatment at a specialty facility in 2009, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In addition to specialized addiction treatment programs, 12-step groups help millions of recovering alcoholics and addicts around the world.

Popularized in 1939 when published in the book titled Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism, the 12-step program has paved the way for many variations to follow, but most professional facilities tend to stick with the original format. While Alcoholics Anonymous is the original 12-step group, many offshoots have been created, such as Narcotics AnonymousCocaine Anonymous, and Heroin Anonymous. In addition to these groups, many rehab facilities offer their own programs that are based on the 12-step model.

The 12 Steps to Recovery

The 12-step program has a religious or spiritual component and is strongly focused on rehabilitating a substance abuser via making amends and committing to help from a higher power. Per, it is inclusive of the following tasks, in order of how they should be completed:

  1. Admit that you are powerless in the face of your dependency and you can no longer manage your life because of it.
  2. Accept that a higher power can provide you with the sanity and balance you’ve lost.
  3. Decide to give your life and willpower up to that higher power.
  4. Take note of your morals without bias.
  5. Admit to yourself, to your higher power, and to someone else you trust the wrongdoings you’ve committed.
  6. Prepare yourself for the higher power to rid you of these character flaws.
  7. Ask your higher power to take away the sins of your past.
  8. Write a list of the people you’ve wronged and prepare to seek their forgiveness.
  9. Set out to make amends with these people unless it would harm them to do so.
  10. Remain vigilant of your shortcomings and take responsibility for wrongdoings as they occur.
  11. Pray and meditate to elevate the relationship you have with your higher power and ask to be fulfilled with the intentions your higher power has for you.
  12. Achieve spiritual enlightenment after the completion of these steps and walk through life with the intent of practicing and relaying the 12-step message to others dependent on drugs or alcohol.

Pros of 12 Step Programs

There are obvious pros to utilizing the 12-step plan, such as the success of so many who’ve come before you. Support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are also widely known and facilitated across the globe now, making them the easiest meetings to seek out and attend. In addition, joining these groups comes at little to no cost to the addict; most collect small donations at meetings that are quite small in comparison to the cost of attending a lot of rehab institutions for other therapy formats.

Cons of 12 Step Programs

Success rates have varied among studies over the years and conclusive data has not been available, largely in part due to the AA organization forbidding any research on their treatment models. The core of the tiered-level treatment approach is rooted in putting the responsibility for sobriety on the shoulders of the addict and forcing them to accept accountability for their actions, make amends with those they have harmed, and find a way out of the downward spiral of addiction with the help of a higher power.

12 Step Treatment Programs at The Recovery Village

At The Recovery Village, you’ll find compassionate staff and skilled medical professionals who can lead you to solid ground where you can once again stand on your own. From detox to alumni support groups, we can provide you with world-class care while you enjoy all the comforts of home. We incorporate both 12-step and non-12-step options into our care models. Call us to learn more.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.