Ultram is an opioid-like prescription pain medicine with the key active ingredient tramadol. Ultram can be prescribed to relieve moderate to severe pain and occasionally to treat acute pain. It can also be available as an extended-release version of the medicine for chronic pain as a form of 24-hour treatment. As an opioid analgesic, Ultram works to relieve pain by acting on the user’s central nervous system. This effective process changes how the person perceives and feels pain. However, just like with other narcotics, there is the potential for abuse, which can result in addiction and physical dependence when someone uses Ultram.
What is Ultram Withdrawal?
When it comes to preventing an addiction to Ultram, it’s important to take the drug only as prescribed and instructed. It’s crucial to take Ultram only the way it was prescribed by taking the proper dosage and consuming the medication the way a medical professional deems necessary; for example: swallow the medication whole, rather than crush it up to consume it.
Addiction is also referred to as mental dependence, which is the conditioned response that develops toward the use of Ultram. Addiction is driven by changes in the chemicals of the brain and these changes influence behavior. Some signs of addiction include cravings, a lack of control in terms of using a drug, and continuing to use it in the face of harm or adverse consequences.
Physical dependence to Ultram or another drug, on the other hand, refers to someone whose body relies on the presence of opioids to avoid withdrawal symptoms. This kind of dependence can be treated, but it’s important that it’s done carefully and professionally with a tapering off schedule of opioids to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms, particularly the most uncomfortable or potentially dangerous ones. Physical dependence can occur after only using Ultram for a few weeks, and it occurs as the person gradually develops a tolerance to the drug. The end result is that the person will have to take higher doses to feel the same effects of the drug as their brain adapts to its presence and alters chemicals accordingly.
When a person abruptly stops using Ultram, it causes the brain and body to go into shock as it tries to accommodate for the loss of that drug, and Ultram withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on the ways an Ultram detox is attempted.
Ultram Withdrawal Signs and Symptoms
Continued Ultram use poses the risk of both addiction and physical dependence. If a person has been using Ultram, they may develop a physical dependence, and that can create withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. The kind of withdrawal symptoms experienced and their severity are determined by factors that are unique to each person. This includes:
- Dosage
- Length taken
- Tolerance level
- Chemical Makeup
While these symptoms may not apply to everyone who suffers from an Ultram withdrawal, some examples of what can be experienced during withdrawal include:
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Depression
- Cravings
- Headaches
- Confusion
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Pain
- Blurred vision
- Mood disturbances
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Diarrhea
- Nightmares
- Tremors
Ultram Withdrawal Timeline
The amount of time it takes for someone to completely rid their body of Ultram varies per person. Since the chemical makeup of each person is different, so are the withdrawal symptoms and durations. Withdrawal symptoms can begin to appear in as little as a few hours after the last dose of Ultram is taken.
The beginning of the withdrawal process usually produces the strongest symptoms. The first few days are often seen as the most difficult and during this time the body attempts to function without having Ultram in its system. The person may have to deal with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and excessive sweating. The person’s brain also craves the drug, so they may begin to feel anxiety about not consuming it. On top of all these other symptoms, the person may also experience insomnia, making sleeping through the withdrawal symptoms difficult.
As the end of first week approaches, the withdrawal symptoms may begin to lessen in severity. However, at this point in the recovery process, the person may begin to feel dizzy as well as experience blurred vision as their brain works to return to its natural state. As a person progresses with their Ultram-free life, the physical symptoms of withdrawal give way to new, emotional challenges. These new challenges can include depression, anxiety and irrational thoughts. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these feelings are just the brain beginning to function without the use of drugs.
Because all withdrawal processes vary from person to person, view this timeline more as a guide of what can possibly occur during a withdrawal. For example, someone who has been misusing Ultram for 3 months could have an easier withdrawal compared to someone who has been misusing the drug for an entire year. The exact withdrawal symptoms all depend on a person’s particular circumstances. Always remember that recovery isn’t a race, so don’t feel discouraged if personal results vary from what someone else experienced, and instead feel proud for moving toward a drug-free life.
Ultram Detox
It’s important to realize that for many years, Ultram was prescribed for pain management because it was believed to have a low risk of addiction. Unfortunately, new research is proving this belief to be false . If a person feels like they could have a problem with Ultram, they should speak with a medical professional to find the best course of treatment that will work for them.
Working with a group of professionals will be the most beneficial during detox for a number of reasons. Primarily, consulting with medical professionals will allow them to determine the best way to begin the detoxification process so that it’s the most effective for the patient’s individual needs. Also , doctors and therapists can assist with the withdrawal symptoms that can be experienced, as well as also possibly prescribing medications to ease those symptoms. It is important to realize that attempting to stop the use of Ultram without the presence of medical professionals can be dangerous.
Most people attempt to detox on their own at home by quitting “cold turkey” which is the process of stopping the consumption of Ultram very suddenly. This process can be detrimental to the detox process because withdrawal symptoms have the possibility of coming on stronger and faster than normal. Quitting cold turkey also increases the risk of setbacks occurring during detox.
Another way that people attempt to detox by themselves is through tapering. Tapering is when the use of Ultram gradually decreases by set amounts instead of it being stopped abruptly. While this process is much safer than the cold turkey method, ideally a person will set up this detoxification method alongside a doctor who will be able to determine how much of a decrease is needed to ensure a safe detox. If the use of the drug is decreased too much at once, severe withdrawal symptoms can appear.
Detox Process for Ultram Abuse
Before the treatment teams at The Recovery Village begin an Ultram detox, patients must first go through an evaluation. The evaluation is conducted to determine the most efficient and safest way to initiate the detoxification process. During this time, doctors assess the severity of the addiction and work to find the most effective form of treatment. Depending on the severity, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs may be recommended.
Once an evaluation is complete, the detoxification process starts. When the body is no longer consuming Ultram, detox begins naturally. At this point, the body shifts into overdrive as it fights to function without Ultram, thus generating the withdrawal symptoms. The way the body reacts to the reduction of Ultram depends on how dependent it was on the drug to begin with. This can be an uncomfortable process, so it is crucial that patients remain diligent during this time.
After the detoxification process is complete, patients transition into the aftercare phase of treatment. During this time, the skills that were taught during their initial treatment are now applied to life in the community. The Ultram may be physically gone, but the mental dependence on the drug can still linger. It may be suggested by the treatment team for the patient to set up regular therapy sessions to help fight the urges that may reappear. The team may also recommend for the patient to continue to practice sober-living techniques, such as attending a 12-step program, to ensure sobriety stays in tact.
The Recovery Village has a variety of facilities nationwide that can help you start on your path to recovery. With locations in Ohio, Maryland, Colorado, Washington and Florida, each center is staffed with physicians and therapists that can help make the Ultram detox process more comfortable for you. Begin your Ultram-free life today.
Ultram Treatment and Rehab
The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.