Help your teen overcome drug or alcohol abuse by understanding how teen rehab works and knowing which options are available. What Is Substance Use Disorder? The term “substance use disorder”...

High school is where many teenagers encounter drugs and alcohol for the first time. Read about the latest facts and statistics on adolescent substance use here. Teenagers might enter high...

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair cognitive and psychomotor abilities and result in legal action or even death. Vehicular accidents are one of the leading causes...

Despite what many sources claim, drug use among teens is at its lowest level in decades. However, teen drug abuse and addiction has not disappeared completely. Addictive drugs and substances...

Teens often hide liquor in secret containers to mask their drinking. Know where to look and how to talk to your teen about alcohol use in order to help keep...

Is vaping safe? Could vaping be causing seizures among young people? Learn more about the relationship between vaping and seizures. United States health officials from the Food and Drug Administration...

Alcohol poisoning is very serious and can be life-threatening. If your child is displaying signs of alcohol poisoning, immediately seek help by calling 911. Yes, alcohol poisoning kills people. In...

Many teens engage in risky substance abuse, which can create a number of unwanted physical and mental effects, so parents should recognize the problem and take action. Remain Calm Substance...

Teen drug overdose is devastating to a teenager’s family and community. Understanding the facts about teen drug overdose and knowing the top drugs teens overdose on can be helpful in...

While teen drug use has declined, some teens today continue to experiment with substances like marijuana, cocaine, painkillers, amphetamines, inhalants and other drugs. According to statistics, teen drug use rates are...