Teen overdoses are increasing despite teen substance use being near all-time lows. Learn about how to prevent and treat teen overdose. What is an Overdose? An overdose occurs when a...
College brings many new experiences, and it’s important to help guide your child as they navigate this new environment. Preparing your child for college can be both exciting and daunting. A teenager’s...
In recent years, statistics for teen drinking and drug use are trending downward. Now is the time for education, prevention and improvements in teen addiction treatments. The Monitoring the Future report from...
Learn how a sober summer can be a productive time to experience new things and kickstart a new life free from drugs and alcohol. Teen addiction can be challenging to overcome,...
These universities have addiction recovery resources that can help you or a loved one continue a substance-free life in college. Addiction recovery is a lifelong process that is usually made easier...
Hazing is a dangerous and abusive activity happening on school campuses today. It’s important to know what teen hazing is and what it can look like. Joining clubs and activities...
Signs of teen drug and alcohol use can be hidden in plain sight. Recognizing the physical signs of teen substance abuse is crucial to providing the help that your teenager...
A teen who displays behaviors such as lashing out at teachers, skipping class, and failing tests once returning to school may have developed an addiction over the summer. Teen drug...
Students who are victims of college hazing may experience shame, peer pressure, depression, and anxiety and use drugs or alcohol to self-medicate. According to many experts, college hazing has emerged as a serious...
A majority of parents say the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their child’s mental health and created uncertainty about returning to school, according to a new survey. Survey: 66% of School-Age...