Community leaders and educators are opening more recovery high schools, like Heartland High School in Columbus, Ohio, to help teens overcome substance abuse and addiction issues. Teen addiction is complex and...
The 12 steps are common in addiction treatment programs. Originally for adults, many people wonder how they are applicable and of benefit to teens. The teenage years are a critical...
Teen bullying has long-term consequences for both the bully and the victim, including an increased risk of addiction. Most people have experienced some form of bullying, and others — even if they...
Being in recovery at college can be intimidating, but many colleges offer programs and services to support your recovery. Learn about drug-free college policies. College can be a challenging time...
Actions that may be thought of as helpful or supportive can actually enable a teen’s substance use. Learn how to stop enabling your teen. As a parent, one of the...
Arrests for teen drug or alcohol use can have a lasting impact on young adults and can significantly disrupt schooling. While many people believe that juvenile drug arrests provide a...
While federal regulations restrict the sale of tobacco products, including vaping products, to people who are 18 or older, some loopholes exist on the state level. Teen vaping has become a...
Middle school, high school and college students are at a high risk of experiencing multiple problems related to alcohol use. The legal drinking age in the United States is 21,...
Common household products, such as glues, computer air duster, whipped cream, nutmeg and cough syrup, can produce a high and have deadly consequences for teens. Teen drug abuse doesn’t just involve...
The adolescent brain undergoes profound developmental changes that can be significantly affected by alcohol, which can cause short and long-term developmental deficiencies. Teenage alcohol consumption in the U.S. is incredibly prevalent....