When your mother faces a drug or alcohol addiction, Mother’s Day might not be a holiday that you look forward to. You might feel a sense of hopelessness while sifting through a seemingly endless array of Mother’s Day cards, never finding one that describes her. Maybe you feel slighted, thinking this day hardly matters when you’ve spent your life supporting her.

Mother’s Day might seem less like a joyous holiday and more of a painful reminder of your daily life. On holidays and weekends and most day of the year, you may have carried the weight of her addiction in more ways than one. Maybe there have been days when you’ve had to reassure yourself that, “She still loves me,” when she seems to love drugs more.

Mother’s Day may be devoted to your mom, but it may also be a difficult day for you. As this holiday approaches, it’s understandable to be sad, anxious or upset about society’s celebration of the ideal mother, a person you might feel like you never had in your life.

However hard this day is, keep these three truths in mind.

1. Contemporary Images of Motherhood Rarely Reflect Reality

In the weeks preceding Mother’s Day, the retail world is often the first to remind you of what motherhood is “supposed” to look like: moms are happy and healthy people who live in harmony with their darling children. However, these unrealistic depictions can seem like a mockery when your mom struggles with addiction. These idealistic representations of mothers may trigger feelings of anger, shame or guilt, and it can be difficult to not compare your own mother-child relationship to this seemingly unrealistic standard.

Before you let these feelings sink in too far, remember that even the happiest of families don’t usually look like the advertisements you see. Motherhood tends to be full of trials of all kinds, many of which are less than picturesque. You might not see your mom reflected in Mother’s Day marketing, but that doesn’t mean that most mothers are perfect. Although drug or alcohol addiction may not be part of the picture for some families, it can be a silent struggle that many mothers face.

2. Her Addiction Is a Disease

Maybe your mother has struggled with alcohol abuse since before you could walk, or you’ve never known a time when her purse wasn’t stocked with a stash of “extra” prescription opioid pills. Maybe she can’t seem to make it through the day without marijuana, or heroin, or some other illicit substance.

In her denial, your mom might try to convince you that her pills help her in ways you cannot or that the drugs she’s taking aren’t hurting her, despite the physical evidence that proves otherwise. At the end of the day, you love her, so you try to see her actions as compulsory, not deliberate choices.

In truth, a substance use disorder isn’t a choice at all. Addiction is a chronic brain disease that causes compulsive drug use, despite painful consequences. Your mother likely knows her addiction is destructive, and she probably doesn’t want to be addicted anymore, but she’s unable to stop.

Long-term drug and alcohol use rewires the brain’s reward system, disrupting decision-making, learning and impulse control. If your mother tries to stop using drugs or alcohol on her own, she will likely feel overwhelming withdrawal symptoms, some of which can be life-threatening if not addressed with professional care. When your mom realizes that her addiction is a disease, she can come one step closer to getting effective treatment to overcome her substance use disorder.

3. You’re Not Alone

Being a son or daughter of a mother with addiction, you’ve likely tried to be a safe place for her, even when she wasn’t yours. Being your mom’s support system is a labor of love, and can drain your mental and emotional energy faster than you realize.

Venting to your friends or other family members may relieve some of the stress you feel for a short while, but for all the times they listen to you, they might not truly understand the weight you carry. To maintain your own well-being, you’ll need to replenish your energy in a healthy way, and find sources of support who can offer the kind of guidance you need.

That’s where friends and family support groups can become invaluable. In fellowships like Nar-Anon and Adult Children of Alcoholics, you can express your hopes, fears and frustrations among people who can empathize with your day-to-day challenges, and get advice from individuals who have found strategies that work.

However conflicted or distraught you feel on Mother’s Day (or any day of the year), remember that you’re not the only one who faces those feelings. You’re not alone in your struggles, and friends and family support groups can be found almost anywhere. Some of the most well-known fellowships include:

Getting Mom the Help She Deserves

The first step to getting your mom into treatment is a conversation. An honest, heart-to-heart talk with your mother lets her know that her addiction is hurting more people than just herself. If you feel comfortable and confident, you can talk to your mom in a one-on-one talk, or if you’d prefer more support in this conversation, consider staging an intervention with other family members and an interventionist.

In either a private conversation or an intervention setting, explain to your mother:

  • How her addiction has affected your life
  • The destructive or neglectful behaviors that you’ve noticed
  • How you want to see her overcome addiction
  • How she needs professional care to heal from addiction

It may be difficult, and you may have a few judgmental thoughts you want to say, but try to refrain from voicing criticism in this first conversation, as it could elicit a defensive response and derail the talk. Once your mom is in treatment, family therapy sessions can give you the chance to discuss the painful issues with the guidance of a professional therapist.

Be Prepared to Take Mom to Treatment

When you talk to your mom or hold the intervention, be prepared to take her to treatment immediately afterward if she admits she needs help. To ensure a smooth transition, call The Recovery Village ahead of time. Talking to The Recovery Village® representatives are toll-free and confidential, and they can help you discern which level of care, and which center, suits your mom’s needs.

The Recovery Village runs accredited drug and alcohol rehab treatment centers across the country, so no matter where you live, you’re never far from help. When your mom is ready to start treatment, The Recovery Village is here to help. Our telephone lines are available around the clock every day, even on Mother’s Day.

Hope Is Real, and Help Is Always Possible

Whether you choose to reach out to The Recovery Village® or not, remember that drug addiction is a disease and that it is treatable. Your mom can heal, and her recovery is always possible. Don’t give up hope for a better future for both of you, and don’t give up on her.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.