Addiction led me down a very dark path, very quickly. Recovery led me to the best life possible — one filled with passion, integrity, fulfillment, and authenticity. Donuts were my...
My desire to be the “life of the party” started back in highschool when I became the girl who would say “YES” to everything. The girl who could hang with...
“Why do you drink? What is it that alcohol does for you,” asked my counselor in our very first meeting. “It’s the only way I can slow down and come...
Learn about how Laura’s struggles with alcohol throughout college turned into a journey toward lifelong sobriety and recovery. Author Laura Silverman is the founder of The Sobriety Collective, a digital community...
“To be nobody but yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which...
As an accomplished motivational speaker, radio personality and substance abuse advocate, Johnny Emerson Joy has spent his time in recovery lifting others up and sharing his own struggles with addiction. To help...
From the outside, Joey Pagano seemed liked the last person in the world who’d end up addicted to drugs. He came from a good family and grew up in a...
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived...
At around 18 months sober, I noticed the same addictive pattern of thinking and behavior that I had experienced with drugs, alcohol, and food—except this time the substance was nicotine...
It started off innocently enough. I was in college at a four-year university at the end of my first semester of junior year. Finals were looming, baring their teeth with...