Have you taken Subutex for recreational purposes?
Have you used Subutex in large doses or for longer than you intended?
Have you struggled to reduce your Subutex use?
Have you thought about Subutex for many hours during the day?
Have you increasingly taken larger doses of Subutex in order to feel the same effects?
Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms — such as restlessness, irritability or anxiety — after stopping or reducing your Subutex intake?
Have you had trouble fulfilling your obligations at home, work or school?
Have your relationships suffered because of Subutex use?
Have you borrowed or stolen money in order to pay for extra Subutex?
Have you stopped participating in recreational activities because of Subutex use?
Have you experienced lightheadedness, shallow breathing or unusual thoughts or behaviors after using Subutex?
Have you continued using Subutex despite knowing the health, social or legal consequences?
Time’s up