Do I have an Adjustment Disorder? March 24, 2022 Have you experienced a stressful or traumatic event or set of events within the last six months? Yes No None Have you had emotional or behavioral changes within three months following a stressful or traumatic event or events? Yes No None Has your reaction to an event been more negative than how most people react? Yes No None Have you experienced significant impairment in social functioning following an event? Yes No None Is your reaction to an event more severe or longer-lasting than usual? Yes No None Has your response to the event led to increased substance abuse as a coping mechanism? Yes No None Have friends or family members noticed a change in your behaviors or emotions following a stressor? Yes No None Have you contemplated suicide? Yes No None Is your stress-related disturbance unconnected to an ongoing mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety or another mood disorder? Yes No None Is your distress unrelated to any age-appropriate, cultural or religious norms? Yes No None Have you experienced difficulty functioning effectively at school or work due to your distress? Yes No None Have you experienced altered eating, sleeping or hygienic habits? Yes No None Your assessment results will appear on the next page. Please enter your information to proceed to your results. Email Address First Name Last Name Time's up Prev Next