Mixing meth and alcohol increases the risks of each, including a more severe meth crash and a fatal overdose on either substance. When used separately, both meth and alcohol can...

Depression is one of the most common co-occurring mental health disorders seen among people who use meth. Fortunately, dual diagnosis treatment is available. Article at a Glance: Meth use may...

Borderline personality disorder and meth use commonly occur together. Learn how you can treat both conditions together. Article at a Glance: Some points to remember are: People with Borderline Personality...

Methamphetamine is a dangerous substance that some people mix with drugs like Viagra, which can quickly lead to a variety of health and safety risks. Article at a Glance: Meth...

People with body dysmorphic disorder can feel distressed around how they view their bodies. They may perceive flaws that are not really there and turn to meth to cope with...

The co-occurrence of antisocial personality disorder and meth use is a serious challenge that many people face. While treatment is challenging, full recovery is possible. Article at a Glance: Some...