Fiorinal is a prescription medication that typically contains caffeine, butalbital & aspirin. Butalbital alone can usually be detected between 1-8 days.

Fiorinal is a prescription medication that typically contains three different drugs –caffeine, butalbital and aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Butalbital is a barbiturate drug and can usually be detected in the body anywhere between 1 and 8 days. The amount of time Fiorinal remains in the body depends on several factors, including the overall health of the individual and how long the person has been taking the medication, among other factors.

Fiorinal Prescription Facts

Fiorinal is primarily used to treat tension headaches. The three drugs contained in Fiorinal work together to relieve pain and inflammation that are associated with these kinds of headaches. Although butalbital is usually the active ingredient in Fiorinal, some formulations also contain codeine. Avoid using Fiorinal if you have liver disease, a blood clotting disorder, a stomach ulcer or if you are allergic to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Common side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Upset stomach
  • Gas

Some individuals experience severe side effects such as allergic reactions when taking Fiorinal. If you notice any sign of an allergic reaction (rash, itchy skin, swelling), feel confused, experience stomach pains, have bloody stools, have ringing in the ears or hearing loss, contact a medical professional right away.

Fiorinal Regulations

The Food and Drug Enforcement Administration considers Fiorinal to be a Schedule III drug mainly because it contains butalbital. Butalbital is a barbiturate that is known to cause physical and psychological dependence. Fiorinal dependency typically occurs after an individual has been taking the medication for an extended period of time. The body naturally builds up a tolerance to butalbital and people tend to increase their dosage levels to compensate.

Most Commonly Abused Drugs Containing Fiorinal

The most commonly abused drugs associated with Fiorinal are butalbital and codeine. Because the body builds up a tolerance to these drugs, overdose is a serious risk for individuals struggling with Fiorinal addiction. The risk of overdose dramatically increases when Fiorinal is taken in conjunction with alcohol. Symptoms of Fiorinal overdose include severe drowsiness, shock, confusion, hypotension and coma. Seek help immediately if you experience any of these symptoms while taking Fiorinal.

How Fiorinal Affects the Brain and Body

Fiorinal uses three different drugs to help fight tension headaches. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) helps relieve pain by blocking pain signals, caffeine is used to increase the level of pain relief, and butalbital relaxes the body. The first two ingredients are not usually problematic though people can develop a dependency on butalbital. This usually happens over time as the body builds up a tolerance to the drug and an individual begins to take higher doses to accommodate for the drug’s reduced efficacy. The danger happens when the tolerance reaches close to the level of overdose -which does not increase at the same rate.

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Half-Life of Fiorinal

All three of the drugs present in Fiorinal have different half-lives. Butalbital, which has a half-life of around 35 hours, is ingested in the gastrointestinal tract before it is absorbed into the blood and eliminates through the kidneys. The majority of Fiorinal clears from the system 7 days after the final dose. This time frame, however, varies on a person-to-person basis and your body could eliminate the medication as quickly as 4 or 5 days.

Factors That Influence How Long Fiorinal Stays in Your System

There are many different factors that influence how long Fiorinal stays in the body, including overall health, metabolism, kidney function, age, genetics, and how long you have been taking the medication. The longer you take Fiorinal, the harder it is for your body to eliminate it. This happens because you build up a tolerance to the medication –which usually results in taking larger dosages.

How Long Does Fiorinal Stay in Your Urine, Hair and Blood?

Fiorinal’s main active ingredient, butalbital, will likely stay in your urine between 7 and 10 days after your last dose, depending on several factors. Tests may be able to detect the substance in your blood up to 3 days after quitting. These medications tend to stay in hair for longer periods. Certain tests have been known to detect Fiorinal 90 days after the final dose.

If you or a loved one is struggling with Fiorinal addiction, contact us immediately at our toll-free, 24/7 hotline (855-548-9825) or go online to to learn more about the road to recovery. Don’t delay, we can help you begin to overcome your addiction today.

Medical Disclaimer

The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.